The Poor vs. The Affluent

In my many years observing the process, most property owners who are granted property tax reductions are the affluent. Those who are on the poor and older side of the equation hardly ever challenge their property tax assessments and have paid the larger share of the tax burden.

Many agree that most municipal tax systems have failed to maintain professional standards of fairness and accuracy and everyone deserves fair and equitable treatment. The Property Tax Consultants could be a great help at helping the voiceless but their numbers are few. The town tax assessors will never go out of their way to help unless called upon and a discussion ensues.

If it is for your own home or rentals that you seek a property tax reductions or to use as a side business, you need this course now to prepare! Reason: 40-60% property tax error rate. See PROOF here

This property tax consultant business can be done year round when dealing at the Property Tax Assessor level. One can locate those who qualify for reduced property taxes all year round.

As a business, one could charge a small upfront fee (that could be refunded upon winning the case since your contingency commission would be substantial) for gathering that evidence for presentation to the local property tax assessor, even speak to him or her multiple times with applicable evidence that shouts out for those clients reduced assessments.

For those cases that the Property Tax Assessor does not approve and appeal to higher levels (a municipal appeal board presentation and if not won there to a judicial appeal). But no matter what the situation, pay day for cases you won will fall after the Annual Assessment Date unless you charge the client a small processing fee that you might offer to refund if and when they win their appeal.

Depending on what you had in the pipeline, expect to make a ton of money at time period! Go to for the full story.

the MUST-READ Property Tax Appeal Course for 2020! Earn Fees with Your First Client