Elections offer a degree of political instability (seems it gives the insiders a rich leg up while usually leaving the middle class and Main Streeters high and dry). Checkup those excesses from continued inefficient spending habits from towns, states and the federal government, you’ll find experts expect inflection points in the near future.
And who’s looking out for the over-assessed business or homeowner property taxes? Answer: no one! If a homeowner or business does not checkup on what their justifiable levied property tax should be they might be victimized.
A massive new study, published in WAMU 88.5 (https://wamu.org), “analyzed more than a decade of tax assessments for 118 million homes nationwide. It found that Black homeowners pay, on average, 10 to 13% more in property taxes each year than a white family in the same situation. The reason? Black-owned homes were usually assessed at higher values relative to their actual sale price than white-owned homes.”
Compound that by the built-into-the-system 40% to 60%+ error and over-assessment rate and you’ll find that there is a wealth of appeal action opportunity. By purchasing a property tax appeal course one can do an appeal for themselves, other properties they own or to do it as a side business helping others. This can be extremely rewarding.
Real estate and gold are thought of as safe haven. However real estate can be severely taxed so ownership can become burdensome.
Even the safe haven gold ownership could be outlawed as it was in April 1933 where “ownership was punishable by up to ten years in prison. Anyone caught with gold would also have to pay a fine of twice the amount of gold” that was not turned over to the Federal Reserve in exchange for paper money.
Real estate property tax overcharges, however, can be contested. Again, at the assessor level one can present their case any number of times. This helps in the process of reaching agreement on the actual market value of a home based off of evidence complied from comparable sold homes. The local tax assessor has the power of a judge to grant that property tax reduction on the spot. That lowered assessment will go into effect on the next yearly assessment date and last for years into the future.
Property Tax Appeal Training Course For Residential and Commercial Business: Appeal For Yourself And/Or Help Clients Appeal High Tax Assessments.Property Tax Appeal Training Course For Residential and/or Commercial Properties
Property Tax Appeal Course For Residential and Commercial Business: Appeal For Yourself And/Or Help Clients Appeal High Tax Over-Assessments.Property Tax Appeal Course For Residential and Commercial Properties here <<