Facts speak for themselves. It lets the listener decide.
Facts along with well thought out explanations are necessary when presenting one’s case. One needs facts and evidence to educate those in a position to pass judgment on market value.
As years pass, home assessment valuations develop gaps between sales prices and assessed values. Municipal tax systems seek to have assessed values raised to or near currant sales prices. Even with a regular municipal reassessment regimen, errors persist given the haste and error prone tags and attributes given to the process.
An arbiter of uniformity in assessments is the Board of Review. Property tax appeals when taken to the County Board of Assessment Appeals, one would expect that those commissioners would be licensed property tax appraisers or have worked as real estate appraisers. How about at least that they would have worked in the real estate field? Amazingly, that rarely is the case (as we see the government efficiency oxymoron in play again).
Our course gives you that ammunition that lets you develop reasoned valuations with backup evidence. This is essential when enlightening your property tax overseers so they can hang their hats on something concrete. The right market valuation evidence and facts chatter!
With our property tax appeal consulting course, you’ll be able to bring adjustable facts to light and help your case. http://propertytaxconsult.com/index2.htm