Do you think that property tax assessments need to be checked against reality? If you, or if you’re doing a property tax assessment review for a client or a friend, the results discovered might shock you. The aim of our course is to determine actual market value. This science is legit.
While it seems that the only thing on people the left or right can agree upon is that there is lots of fake news. There comes a time for those seeking truth to fact check pressure points. Same with property tax assessments, do those numbers square with reality.
Our course aims for accuracy within your properties reality frame. If you’re are going to do this as a business, you’ll look into your clients’ backyard. Be it a residential or a commercial business, there is no reason to give away hard earned dollars to the governing because of an over-assessment. Why place undeserved cash into the hands of an administrative body?
Eyeballing the future, it looks like retail, office, and hospitality property values are almost certainly going to be running blasting holes in almost all municipal budgets. Property owners can EXPECT TAX INCREASES because of budget shortfalls. If one expects the municipalities to cut back on expenses, welcome to lala land.
As business incomes falls short, that business will use the Income Method approach to market value. One should be paying less in property taxes because of revenue shortfalls if that is the case. To equalize that reality against an inflated assessed market value requires an appeal. With this course you can help these businesses and earn healthy contingency commissions as a Property Tax Consultant.
Property Tax Appeals
Likewise, a residential property needs to compare their property against sold comparables that were similar in neighborhood location, square footage and a number of other assessment categories all covered in the course training. If a case can be made for a lower assessment, appeal, you are shown every step to put together the evidence for submission and win that appeal.
To acquire this course training Go and check it out here
Online, there are many sources to check on for sold comparable properties. That data is free. Or you can ask for the sold listing for the time frame you’re seeking from a local real estate office. They’ll print out that information and will be helpful since you and others might become a future clients.
Property Tax Appeal Resources
Below are some free property tax appeal resources that stand out: – requires a monthly charge
Personally, I like to visit a bricks and mortar real estate establishment to acquire their MLS information. It’s eye-witnessed, more thorough in highlighting the best-selling features for that sold property. Those featured item highlights serve as lamp posts for adjustments if they are better than yours or the clients’ property.
At the assessor level one can present their case at any time (a few times if necessary) since the local tax assessor has the power of a judge to grant that reduction in property taxes. The only rub is that it will not go into effect until the next yearly assessment date.
Property Tax Appeal Course For Residential and Commercial Business: Appeal For Yourself And/Or Help Clients Appeal High Tax Assessments.Your Contingency Fee Rewards Make This An Ever-Green Side Hustle.
Property Tax Appeal Course For Residential and Commercial Properties here <<
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